Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, One John Nolen Drive, Madison, WI
The Survival Coalition will host Disability Advocacy Day on March 15, 2016. Save the date and spread the word!
Disability Advocacy Day is designed to connect you with your legislators so you can talk about issues that matter to you. You are the expert in sharing how legislative policies affect people with disabilities in their everyday lives.
Disability Advocacy Day connects you directly to your legislators so you can talk about issues that matter to you.
Registration now closed.
Lunch: You may purchase a box lunch when you register for $12.00
Or bring your own lunch.
Parking is available at Monona Terrace and around the Capitol. Parking fees are on your own.
Transportation: For groups of 10 or more: If you need transportation assistance Please contact Michelle Roach at: or 920-723-5571.
Wisconsin Coalition of Independent Living Centers are available to assist you. See the list.
Make Lunch check payable to: Survival Coalition
Mail check $12.00 per lunch to:
Survival Coalition, PO Box 7222, Madison, WI 53707
PARKING information and Map
2016 Survival Issue Card: Page one and page two.
Survival Coalition 2015 issue cards:
- ALL Cards
- Adult Long Term Care
- Children’s Long Term Support
- Mental Health
- Transportation
- Medicaid
- Education
- Employment
- Workforce
Trista Brandt | Program Manager
Consumer Direct Wisconsin