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Zany wannabe Superman rips open shirt

Self-Determination Conference: What’s Your Superpower


Want to Supersize your Life? Register to attend the Self-Determination Conference today! Self-Determination: What’s Your Superpower? Join us at the SD Conference! October 29-31, 2018 Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI The Wisconsin Self-Determination Conference empowers people with disabilities in Wisconsin to have more control over their lives. Join us...

Younger women warmly hugs an older women as they smile at each other.

Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week

DSP Appreciation

During Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week, we salute the 4,500,000+ direct support professionals (DSP) who provide the services needed for individuals with disabilities and older adults to maintain independence at home and in the community. This is often challenging work that is not glamorous, recognized, or highly paid. Nevertheless,...

28th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act Thumbnail Image

28th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act


Today marks the 28th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA is legislation that set out to ensure that people with disabilities enjoy equal access in all areas of public life. This includes equal access to jobs, schools, transportation and all places that are open to...

Jordan and Trista standing in front of the Consumer Direct booth smiling.

Aging Empowerment Conference

Community Outreach| Events

Last week, we were proud to sponsor and exhibit at the Aging Empowerment Conference at the Crowne Plaza in Madison, Wisconsin. Jordan and Trista joined fellow exhibitors and community partners for two days of learning and networking. The conference, hosted by InControl Wisconsin, is one of the premier events...

Nicole, Jordan and Matt standing next to the Care Network Wisconsin booth and smiling.

Proudly Supporting Human Services in Wisconsin

Announcements| Events

It’s a privilege to be involved in community activities. We value learning new information, working with community partners, and meeting new people at conferences and events throughout the year. It helps to inform us so that we can best support people with maintaining independence at home and in the...

Sunrise over a field.

2018 Consumer Direct Wisconsin Brochure


We’re excited to share program updates with you! New for 2018, our program brochure is a quick and easy way to learn more about our services and our commitment to you. Click the link below to view the brochure: Consumer Direct Care Network Wisconsin Brochure Consumer Direct Wisconsin provides self-directed services...

A row of people's heads who are looking up at who will win the first ever DSP of the year text.

Nominate Your Caregiver!


The Care Network understands how important Direct Support Professionals (DSP) are to helping people maximize their independence in their home and community. Across the nation, dedicated DSPs provide essential caregiving and give individuals the needed support to live the life they want. We invite you to nominate a caregiver...

Trista Brandt, Panhia Xiong, Krystal Clark, Jordan Stanger, Nicole Ryan, and Kari Vinopal ringing The Salvation Army bells.

Bell Ringing

Community Outreach

Care Network Wisconsin embraced the holiday spirit by volunteering their time for The Salvation Army to ring bells and collect donations. The Salvation Army has a rich history of supporting our communities. By collecting money, goods, and clothing from good Samaritans each year, 25 million Americans receive the resources...

Nicole Ryan, Trista, Jordan, and Matt smiling at the Care Network Wisconsin booth.

2017 Self-Determination Conference


On November 1-3, our team attended the 2017 Wisconsin Self-Determination Conference:  In Full Color. We exhibited our Care Network Wisconsin services and spoke with many people. The conference this year had record attendance! The conference theme was Celebrating You…Mind, Body, and Spirit and had hands-on activities and wellness screenings. It was great to be there with community partners...

Amber smiling.

DSP Feature: Amber Crowley


Amber Crowley is one of many direct support professionals across the country who support people in their homes and community. Nearly two million Americans hold these types of support professions. These well respected professionals are dedicated to making sure individuals and their families are able to remain independent at...
