Join us at the Aging Empowerment conference, July 6-7, at the Wilderness Resort – Wisconsin Dells!
Promoting Choice and Control for All
The Aging Empowerment Conference brings together people who are committed to the notion that older people should be empowered to live the life they choose. Our goals for this event are to:
- Challenge traditional ways of thinking about quality of life and explore how older people can retain control and choice
- Give voice to older people’s desire and capacity to maintain control of their lives – including people with dementia
- Promote the exchange of information among older people, family members, and professional caregivers
- Explore how individuals, agencies, and organizations can collaborate to design programs and services that allow opportunity for self-determination
- Identify effective ways to support and empower family caregivers
Who Should Attend
The conference attracts a diverse statewide audience that includes older people, caregivers, and professionals. Professionals who attend include staff from:
- County & Tribal Aging Units
- Adult Protective Services
- Human Services Departments
- Crisis & Mental Health
- Developmental Disabilities
- Long Term Care Facilities
- Advocacy Organizations
- Health Care & Other Services
- Independent Living Centers
- Managed Care Organizations
To view the conference agenda how to register, click Aging Empowerment Conference 2017- Registration Brochure FINAL (pg 3-8).