Computer, tablet and phone sitting on a desk

Don’t forget! Starting January 1, 2022, all time submissions for the following service codes (including all modifiers) must have a matching Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) record: S5125, S5126, T1019, and T2020. Caregivers will no longer be paid for shifts without a matching EVV record.

Note: Live-in workers who submitted their EVV Live-in Worker Identification form are exempt from using EVV.

To help you prepare for EVV, Consumer Direct Care Network Wisconsin is hosting several virtual EVV Lunch and Learns. Please join us for one of the sessions below to learn more about EVV.

Wed, December 1
12-1pm CST

Mon, December 6
6-7pm CST

Wed, December 15
12-1pm CST

Wed, December 22
12-1pm CST

Each session uses the same meeting link.
There are two ways to join a session.

Join Online
Click here to join the session

Or join by phone (audio only)
Phone Conference ID: 560 454 72#

If you have additional questions, please review our EVV Resources page. Check back frequently as we update this page often.